Limited Submission Review Process

If we receive more than the allowable number of applications for a limited submission opportunity, then campus applications are reviewed by an ad hoc committee composed of faculty and, at times, others on campus with appropriate expertise to evaluate concept papers. After the review committee evaluates the applications, they make a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Research or or another senior administrator, who makes the final determination. Please see below for more information about our campus review process. 

Review Committees

VCRO determines committee members based on the concept papers submitted (e.g., specific expertise in a field related to the proposal) and the specific program. This includes individuals who may have been funded previously through this program and who are familiar with the sponsor and its selection process. We strive to recruit review committees that represent diverse expertise areas, schools & departments, and faculty ranks. The identities of reviewers serving on specific review committees are kept confidential.

Review Criteria

The committee considers a number of factors in their evaluation of campus applications. First, responsiveness to the specific program, including the program’s mission and review criteria as stated in the solicitation. Reviewers also consider adherence to the requirements outlined in the campus announcement. When applicable, reviewers may consider other factors in their evaluations, especially if the reviewers are familiar with the sponsor, its selection processes, and the program funding history. The Vice Chancellor for Research also may consider these and other factors in making the final selections. 

Application Feedback

Reviewers are encouraged to provide feedback for the applications they review, although not all will comment on every submission. We provide a summary of the review comments to the selected applicants to enhance the final submission to the sponsor. Review comments are available upon request to applicants who are not selected to submit to the sponsor. Please reach out to to request any prior review feedback.

Confidentiality & COI

The information contained in a limited submission campus application is considered confidential. All efforts will be made to ensure a fair, objective, and confidential review of each application.

Reviewers are asked to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to VCRO. A conflict of interest is defined as a proposal that involves individuals with whom the reviewer has a personal relationship, such as a relative or current or former collaborator, student, or advisor. Reviewers with conflicts might be asked to recuse themselves from the proposal or the review committee for that cycle.