Social & Behavioral Sciences

Analysis of the President’s FY 2024 Budget Request for Federal Research, Health, Workforce and Education Programs

March 17, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates' have provided their annual report analyzing the the FY 2024 President’s budget request for federal research, health, education, and workforce development programs.

NSF GEO Releases Solicitation for EMpowering BRoader Academic Capacity and Education (EMBRACE)

August 24, 2023

Lewis-Burke has provided campus with a report about NSF's Directorate for Geosciences' new solicitation for a new program to support research and educational efforts in geosciences and related fields, by addressing barriers for faculty members at non-R1 institutions in competing for federal funding. The EMpowering BRoader Academic Capacity and Education (EMBRACE) program will accept two categories of proposals that focus supporting faculty to initiate research and programs...

Department of Defense FY 2023 Minerva Research Initiative FOA

December 8, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about DOD's Minerva Research Initiative. Minerva, DOD’s signature university-led social science research program, brings together universities, research institutions, and individual scholars to broaden the understanding of social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape U.S. strategic interests across the world. Minerva’s topics of interest in FY 2023 align closely with and support the Biden...

NSF Dear Colleague Letter on the Social and Behavioral Science of Bias, Prejudice, and Discrimination

January 30, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about NSF's recently published a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) inviting research proposals to existing funding programs within the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) focused on advancing the evidence-base within the science of discrimination, prejudice, and bias. NSF is particularly interested in research that is carried out in conjunction with communities directly impacted by the bias or...

USAID Invites Concept Notes for New Strategic Partnerships for Advancing Research and Knowledge (SPARK) Program

March 6, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the USAID's opportunity for concept notes to support the new Strategic Partnerships for Advancing Research and Knowledge (SPARK) Program. SPARK is rare opportunity provided by USAID focused on Institutions of Higher Education that will enable research between the U.S. and USAID partner countries on international development challenges and solutions. SPARK...

National Science Foundation Announces New Global Centers Solicitation to Support Use-Inspired Research Addressing the Bioeconomy

March 13, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the new Global Centers (GC) solicitation from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This is the second GC competition and will focus on Use-Inspired Research Addressing the Bioeconomy. This is an NSF-wide activity in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), and research funders from Canada, the United Kingdom (UK), and new for...

Federal Opportunities for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions

April 26, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report which provides an overview of federal opportunities specifically available for MSIs and HBCUs. The Biden Administration has continued to prioritize and support Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Historically Black Colleges and University (HBCUs) across all federal agencies, proposing increases to existing programs as well as looking toward Congress to...

DHS FY24 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Program NOFO

April 19, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) has released a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for its FY 2024 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program. DHS is seeking evidence-based, fundamental research to understand the behaviors associated with radicalization and effective...