Computing, Data Science & AI/ML

NSF and NIH Release Second Solicitation on Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science

August 15, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC has provided campus a report about the NIH and NSF's solicitation on “Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science” through the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) program. The SCH program supports innovative, high-risk, high-reward research to promote disruptive transformations in biomedical and public health research, drawing from coordinated, convergent, and interdisciplinary approaches from...

ARL releases FOA for Collaborative Adversarial Cyber Decision Making

August 23, 2023

The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) seeks research proposals for the Adversarial Resilient Cyber Effects for Decision Dominance Collaboration Research Program (ARCEDD-CRP). Modeled after their Collaborative Research Alliances (CRAs), ARL intends to fund multiple cooperative agreements in two cycles, this first seedling cycle in fiscal year (FY) 2024 and a second seedling cycle in FY 2026. ARCEDD-CRP’s purpose is to aid in the discovery of knowledge and the advancement of “scientific foundations of multidomain cyber deception, cyber resilience, and machine learning for cybersecurity...

NSF Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence and Geosciences (CAIG) Solicitation

December 18, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates had provided campus with a report about NSF’s newly released solicitation for Collaborations in Artificial Intelligence and Geosciences (CAIG). The RFP invites proposals for projects aimed at addressing research questions from across the breadth of the Geosciences Directorate using AI tools and methods. Funding for the program will be up to $10 million for 10-15 awards and proposals are due on March 15, 2024.

DOE Funding Opportunities Snapshot February 2024 Update

February 20, 2024

Lewis-Burke has provided campus with a report which provides advanced intelligence on recent activities, emerging priorities, and future opportunities within the Department of Energy (DOE). New in this update are new funding opportunities in AI for Science, quantum computing, Regional Energy Crop Hubs, and ARPA-E’s electric vehicle battery circularity program.

NSF Releases Solicitation for Ideas Lab Focused on Breaking the Latency Barrier for Verticals in Next-G Wireless Networks

February 23, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the NSF's Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP)'s solicitation calling for submissions to participate in a Breaking the Low Latency Barrier for Verticals in Next-G Wireless Networks (Breaking Low) Ideas Lab. NSF Ideas Labs serve as conveners for diverse groups of experts from various science and engineering backgrounds to create innovative cross-disciplinary, transformative solutions to...

AFRL Releases University Center of Excellence for Data Assimilation FOA

March 11, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the Air Forse Research Lab's funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to stand up a University Center for Excellence (CoE) for “data assimilation (DA) driven by mathematical features representing physics.” The program seeks to create a joint effort that connects AFRL Technical Directorates with a single university or team of universities to perform basic and...

AFOSR Releases FY 2024 Young Investigator Program (YIP)

May 2, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided a report about the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's 2024 Young Investigator Program. This program aims to attract early career university faculty, scientists, and engineers by providing multi-year grants for research in areas of interest to the Air Force and Space Force’s research and development mission.

ONR Young Investigator Program (YIP)

February 14, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the Office of Naval Research's FY25 FOA for the Young Investigator Program (YIP). This program provides early career university faculty a path into the Navy’s research enterprise through multi-year research grants. Individual awards are funding at a maximum of $750,000 over three years, and ONR anticipates making up to 25 awards. Technical and eligibility questions should be submitted before 12:00 PM ET on April...

AFOSR Releases FY 2025 Young Investigator Program (YIP)

March 13, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)'s FY25 funding opportunity announcement for the Young Investigator Program (YIP). This program provides early career faculty, scientists, and engineers who show promise for conducting basic research to advance the Air Force and Space Force research and development missions. As with previous solicitations...

Engagement Opportunity: USAID and State Department Release RFI to Support Development & Publication of a Global AI Research Agenda

March 15, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about a new request for information (RFI) from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of State (DOS), with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). They are seeking information to assist in the development and publication of a Global AI Research Agenda, which will provide guidance on...