Computing, Data Science & AI/ML

NIST National Semiconductor Technology Center White Paper

April 25, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided a report about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CHIPS Research and Development Office's long-awaited “Vision and Strategy for the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC).” The NSTC will advance semiconductor research and development, increase access to design and...

2023 Landscape of Federal Quantum Information Science

May 4, 2023

This Lewis-Burke report provides an update on federal quantum science and technology programs, priorities, and future funding opportunities and efforts by Congress to reauthorize the National Quantum Initiative Act for another five years to maintain U.S. leadership.

EDA Releases Phase 1 Solicitation for the Regional Technology and Innovation Hub Program

May 15, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates hav provided this report about the Economic Development Administration's new NOFO for Phase 1 of the highly anticipated Regional Technology and Innovation Hub program (Tech Hubs). Through this program, EDA intends to make place-based investments in geographically diverse regions that have strong resources, capacity, and potential to become globally competitive in key technology areas within the next decade and ensure all outputs, including industries...

Policy Update: Presidential Advisory Committees Assess Recommendations to Maintain U.S. Leadership in Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Information Science, and White House Seeks Input on Future Priorities in Artificial Intelligence

May 24, 2023

Lewis-Burke Assosiates has provided this report about two Presidential Advisory Committees that recently met to assess U.S. leadership in artificial intelligence and quantum information science and discuss recommendations for future federal investments in research and workforce development as well as issues related to the safe, secure, and responsible use of these emerging technologies.

Overview of Federal Artificial Intelligence Research and Policy Issues

July 7, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided this report about federal policies and funding opportunities in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). AI/ML is a top research priority under the Biden Administration and continues to enjoy strong bipartisan support given the wide range of applications in national security, health care, education, climate and energy, finance, manufacturing, agriculture, and scientific discovery.

Talent and Workforce Development Snapshot

July 11, 2023

This Lewis-Burke Associates' report includes updates on the Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship, a report from the White House Science and Technology Policy on the bioeconomy workforce, and funding opportunities.

NSF Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase II Centers Program

July 24, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided this report about the new solicitation from NSF for their Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase II Centers Program. The PIPP program covers fundamental research and development (R&D) activities focused on grand challenges in prediction and prevention related to infectious disease pandemics. This is a limited submission opportunity. Interested teams must pollow the campus process described...

NSF Releases Solicitation for National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes

August 2, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided this report about the NSF's solicitation for the fourth competition of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes. The latest solicitation focuses on themes aimed at “transformational advances in a range of economic sectors, and science and engineering fields,” and includes funding opportunities associated with two funding years: fiscal year (FY) 2024 and FY 2025.

Energy Research Update: DOE Computing Research Priorities

August 4, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with this report providing advance intelligence on recent activities, emerging priorities, and future opportunities within the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program. ASCR primarily funds applied math and computer science research programs and builds and operates the government’s most advanced high performance computing facilities. Please see the full report for more information.

NSF and NIH Release Second Solicitation on Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science

August 15, 2023

Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC has provided campus a report about the NIH and NSF's solicitation on “Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science” through the Smart and Connected Health (SCH) program. The SCH program supports innovative, high-risk, high-reward research to promote disruptive transformations in biomedical and public health research, drawing from coordinated, convergent, and interdisciplinary approaches from...