Lewis-Burke has provided a Fall Congressional Outlook report on future prospects for major legislation for the remainder of 2024 of most relevance to the research, education, and academic medicine communities. Returning from a summer recess, Congress again has a busy fall legislative schedule starting with some major deadlines and decisions looming on September 30, the end of the fiscal year when government funding and authorities to execute critical federal programs are set to expire. However, Congress will punt again and use short-term extenders to push decisions after the Presidential and Congressional elections on November 5. The highest priority action item for Congress is to pass a Continuing Resolution to avoid a government shutdown and maintain government funding at mostly FY 2024 funding levels, most likely through December. By the end of the year, Congress needs to pass the annual defense policy bill, which could include AI and quantum science and technology provisions; pass or extend the Farm bill; and either finalize FY 2025 appropriations or pass another Continuing Resolution.
September 11, 2024
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