Lewis-Burke has provided a report that provides an overview of federal grant opportunities that support infrastructure and large equipment investments. In considering physical infrastructure projects across university campuses, this document should be used as a guide. The information in this document is current as of October 9, 2024, the time it was originally disseminated.
Lewis-Burke has provided a report that provides an overview of federal grant opportunities that support infrastructure and large equipment investments. In considering physical infrastructure projects across university campuses, this document should be used as a guide. The information in this document is current as of October 9, 2024, the time it was originally disseminated.
Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a 2024 Overview of Federal Funding Opportunities for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities. While not exhaustive, the overview provides information on a wide range of federal agencies and programs. Interested investigators should check individual solicitations for details, as deadlines may quickly approach. Further, investigators may use this document to identify relevant programs and develop proposals and...
Lewis-Burke has provided a Fall Congressional Outlook report on future prospects for major legislation for the remainder of 2024 of most relevance to the research, education, and academic medicine communities. Returning from a summer recess, Congress again has a busy fall legislative schedule starting with some major deadlines and decisions looming on September 30, the end of the fiscal year when government funding and authorities to execute critical...
Lewis-Burke Associates, LLC periodically provides campus with a Washington Update report. In this report:
Funding Opportunity: NEH Releases Second Solicitation for Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence Program Funding Opportunity: National Science Foundation Releases New DRK-12 Resource Center on Transformative Education Research and Translation Solicitation Engagement...
Lewis-Burke has provided campus with a report about the potential implications of the November elections on overall U.S. research and development (R&D) priorities for the next Administration. While there are currently limited details on R&D priorities for a second Trump or a Harris Administration, we assume a future President Harris would have similar priorities as President Biden (with some additional new signature initiatives expected), and we also consider what...
Please see this report about the new NEH solicitation for the second competition of the Humanities Research Centers on Artificial Intelligence program. The program seeks to support the development research centers that center on AI-humanities research and exploring the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI. Awardees are expected to produce at least two scholarly activities that contribute to the advancement of AI-humanities research, including, collaborative...
Lewis-Burke Associates has provided an Overview of Federal Funding Opportunities for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities. While not exhaustive, the overview provides information on a wide range of federal agencies and programs. Interested investigators should check individual solicitations for details, as deadlines may quickly approach. Further, investigators may use this document to identify relevant programs and develop proposals and strategies...
This Lewis-Burke report provides information on center-level funding opportunities across federal agencies. The summary provides high-level information on upcoming opportunities expected in 2023 and 2024. As well as more detailed and comprehensive information on the status and timing of flagship funding opportunities across federal agencies.
Lewis-Burke Associates has provided a report summarizing federal opportunities specifically available for MSIs (including AANAPISIs) and HBCUs. UC Berkeley was approved as an AANAPISI as of April 2023.