The National Science Foundation’s Directorate for STEM Education recently released a solicitation for its new Translation and Diffusion (TD) program. The purpose of the TD program is to address the barriers between moving knowledge gained from conducting research on education and learning to PreK-12 STEM classrooms, as well as those related to utilizing effective classroom practices to drive basic education research. The TD program is accepting four types of proposals:
Research on Translation or Diffusion- to conduct basic research on the diffusion or translation of STEM education-focused research knowledge. Awards will be up to $1,000,000 for up to three years.
Proof-of-Concept Research- to explore the translation of findings from STEM education research either by taking basic research insights and scaling them to a more complex content or by determining if specific concepts from basic research are appropriate to be applied to Prek-12 STEM education contexts. Awards will be up to $1,000,000 for up to three years.
Synthesis Proposals- to integrate the current knowledge base on a topic relevant to translation or diffusion in STEM education, including through literature reviews, meta-synthesis, or meta-analysis. Awards will be up to $500,000 for up to three years..
Conference or Workshop Proposals- will support activities related to translation or diffusion, including through bringing together relevant stakeholders to develop research agendas, identify experts, and development of plans to move basic research insights along the research-practice continuum. Funding will range between $25,000-$99,000. Conference/workshop applicants must contact a TD program officer ahead of submission.
Deadline: Applications are due to NSF by April 1, 2025, 5pm PT.
More Information: Those who are interested should see the program website and solicitation for more detailed information. Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about this opportunity.