ONR Electronic Warfare and Surveillance BAA/ARL Collaborative Research Alliance BAA

August 15, 2024

The Department of Defense (DOD) issued Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) for two funding opportunities.  The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is seeking research in “Enabling Technologies for Electronic Warfare and Surveillance,” and the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is seeking multiple disciplinary research teams interested in creating and expanding the “theoretical and scientific understanding of human-agent interactions in AI-supported team decision making.”  Please see below for further details. 

 Enabling Technologies for Electronic Warfare and Surveillance

  • The Office of Naval Research (ONR) recently posted a new BAA seeking research on Enabling Technologies for Electronic Warfare and Surveillance.  This BAA includes 7 Research Opportunity Technical Areas, including Signal processing algorithms for radars; Technologies for Innovative EW Techniques against Modern Emitters; Generative Artificial Intelligence to Create Complex M&S Scenarios at Scale; Methods for Repairing and Restoring Signals After Frequency-Selective Limiters; Innovative Counter-Electro-Optic/Infrared (EO/IR) Concepts; Dynamic, Composable Architecture for Rapid Insertion of Emerging C-ISR and/or EW Technologies; and Technologies for Truly Innovative EW/ISR Applications.
  • White papers for this opportunity are due on September 26, 2024. ONR plans to complete the review of white papers on October 14, 2024, and oral presentations will occur around November 4-8, 2024.  ONR plans to award multiple proposals and allocate $10-15 million dollars per year for these technical areas. Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations.
  • The full solicitation for Enabling Technologies for Electronic Warfare and Surveillance can be found at https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/356034

Collective Judgment Formation Collaborative Research Alliance

  • Army Research Laboratory (ARL) recently announced a new BAA for Collective Judgment Formation Collaborative Research Alliance (CJF CRA).  This BAA seeks multiple disciplinary research teams aiming “to create and expand theoretical and scientific understanding of human-agent interactions in AI-supported team decision making.”  This BAA specifically look for research teams with individuals with background in various disciplines, including psychology, communication, business, economics, computer science, electrical engineering, physics, and mathematics.  This CFJ has three technical areas including Social Science Theories for HAS-IA, Computational Models for HAS-IA, and Testing, Evaluation, and Transitions for HAS-IA.
  • Proposers Day for this opportunity will be held virtually on September 4, 2024, and white papers are due September 25, 2024. Final proposals are due November 21, 2024. Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit organizations. ARL anticipates awarding three research teams with a maximum award of $6,400,000.
  • The full solicitation for Collective Judgment Formation Collaborative Research Alliance can be found at https://www.grants.gov/search-results-detail/356024.