DOE and EPA Release Joint Funding Solicitation for Methane Emissions Monitoring and Reduction Program

June 24, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) newly released  joint $850 million funding opportunity announcement to reduce methane emissions at existing oil and gas sites as well as develop new methane emissions monitoring and reduction technologies. Specifically, the DOE and EPA plan to use funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to fund: 

1) Industry-led projects deploying existing methane reduction technologies at marginal conventional wells and other oil and natural gas sites;

2) Industry-led projects with university and/or other research organization partners to scale-up and do field demonstrations of innovative emissions reduction technologies

3) Establish five regionally-based university-led or consortia-led regional methane emissions characterization and monitoring projects using multi-scale data collection and analysis.