USDA and FFAR Releases Solicitation for Innovation Challenge: Nourishing Next Generation Agrifood Breakthroughs

June 12, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates had provided a report about a new opportunity from the USDA and  the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR)-- the Innovation Challenge: “Nourishing Next Generation Agrifood Breakthroughs”.  This challenge seeks research proposals that will drive innovations at the intersection of climate-smart agriculture, human health, social justice, and equity to advance nutrition security. This funding opportunity would award early-career scientists to lead collaborative interdisciplinary teams to support “high risk, high reward” research to address nutrition security.

USDA and FFAR plans to grant roughly four awards, ranging from $350,000 to $500,000 for projects of two years. Applications are due July 29, 2024.  USDA/FFAR will host an informational webinar on June 13, 2024, at 1:00 pm EST.