NSF Releases Solicitation for Ideas Lab Focused on Breaking the Latency Barrier for Verticals in Next-G Wireless Networks

February 23, 2024

Lewis-Burke Associates has provided campus with a report about the NSF's Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP)'s solicitation calling for submissions to participate in a Breaking the Low Latency Barrier for Verticals in Next-G Wireless Networks (Breaking Low) Ideas Lab. NSF Ideas Labs serve as conveners for diverse groups of experts from various science and engineering backgrounds to create innovative cross-disciplinary, transformative solutions to grand challenges. The solicitation includes a preliminary proposal, an in-person Ideas Lab, and a full proposal. Individuals with relevant expertise aligned with the solicitation’s areas of interest (highlighted attached and below) should submit a preliminary proposal to NSF to be invited to participate. NSF envisions the Breaking Low Ideas Lab leading to support for research and development projects that substantially decrease end to end latencies in a cost-effective manner and lead to multiple transformational vertical industries emerging. Mandatory preliminary proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. submitters local time on April 18, 2024.