Lewis-Burke has provided campus with a summary and analysis of a $160 million solicitation from the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science to compete Microelectronics Science Research Centers (MSRCs). This is DOE’s main initiative focused on driving innovation in microelectronics needed for its unique missions with an emphasis on energy efficiency microelectronics and microelectronics for extreme environments. In the first phase of the competition, DOE would fund between 15 and 25 multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional microelectronics research projects with maximum awards up to $12 million over four years (or $3 million per year). All of the projects will be DOE National Lab-led, but DOE is strongly encouraging National labs to partner with research universities and industry. DOE would then group projects and assign them either to a larger MSRC focused on energy efficiency or an MSRC focused on extreme environments. At this stage, given funding constraints, the MSRCs would be a network of projects and researchers rather than larger-scale centers. Pre-proposals are required and are due on May 30.
May 9, 2024