ARL releases FOA for Collaborative Adversarial Cyber Decision Making

August 23, 2023

The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) seeks research proposals for the Adversarial Resilient Cyber Effects for Decision Dominance Collaboration Research Program (ARCEDD-CRP).  Modeled after their Collaborative Research Alliances (CRAs), ARL intends to fund multiple cooperative agreements in two cycles, this first seedling cycle in fiscal year (FY) 2024 and a second seedling cycle in FY 2026.  ARCEDD-CRP’s purpose is to aid in the discovery of knowledge and the advancement of “scientific foundations of multidomain cyber deception, cyber resilience, and machine learning for cybersecurity applications” as well as support military and civil leadership in identifying, predicting, and creating courses of actions related to cyberspace windows of superiority.  Proposals should address one or both research thrusts: exploring and defining Cyberspace Windows of Superiority (CWoS) and Adversarial Resilient Cyber (ARC). 

  1. Thrust 1: Cyberspace Windows of Superiority – Identify, predict and/or create Cyberspace windows of superiority for optimal information sharing and secure air, land, maritime and space operations.  
    1. Topic 1.1: Identify and Predict CWoS
    2. Topic 1.2: Create CWoS
  2. Thrust 2: Adversarial Resilient Cyber – Detect and resist adversarial intrusions and develop schemes and systems capable of fighting through and supporting recovery from cyber-attacks. 
    1. Topic 2.1: Multidomain Cyber Deception in Contested Environments
    2. Topic 2.2: Machine Learning for Security and Security for Machine Learning

The full opportunity including further details on the research thrusts, funding amounts, and additional requirements can be found here.  The ARCEDD-CRP program is launching a new website, which can be found by following the link here.